
The objectives of our writing programs are to provide the opportunity for students to become the best writer they can be and to build a solid foundation on which they can continue to achieve success in the education continuum.

Writing Master

For students who:
  • perform poorly on essay writing
  • try to write on their grade level
  • try to expose themselves to various types of writing
  • want to become a life time writer
We guarantee they can:
  • enjoy writing their own stories
  • master grade-required essay writing
  • score better in any essay tests
  • learn and utilize fundamental writing techniques

Creative Writing

For students who:
  • try to write their own stories
  • develop characters using their own imagination
  • want to become a life time writer
We guarantee they can:
  • write 12 creative writing pieces and publish 1 book
  • enjoy writing their own stories
  • be good at creating new characters

Essay Writing

For students who:
  • perform poorly on their essay writing
  • try to write their grade levels
  • want to become a life time writer
We guarantee they can:
  • master grade-required essay writing
  • write 21 essays
  • publish 1 book
  • score well in any essay tests


For students who:
  • make lots of grammatical mistakes in their writing
  • perform poorly on grammar tests
  • want to write a great essay
We guarantee they can:
  • master grammar in 2 school year levels
  • obtain good scores in grammar tests
  • write an essay which contains no grammar errors

Research Writing

For students who:
  • want to learn research writing process
  • build up confidence in any research writing and relevant presentation
  • prepare for advanced learning
We guarantee they can:
  • write 16 research writing pieces and present 10 times
  • become confident in any research writing and relevant presentation

New Grammar Skills

For students who:
  • make a lot of grammatical mistakes in their writing
  • perform poorly on grammar tests
  • want to write a great essay
  • need to improve grammar skills
We guarantee they can:
  • advance in grammar level by 2 school years in 6 months
  • obtain good scores in grammar tests
  • write an essay which contains no grammar errors

SAT Essay

For students who:
  • try to improve prompt analysis
  • want to acquire idea generating technique
  • need practice with time management
  • need essay editing and proofreading skills
We guarantee they can:
  • clearly understand and successfully respond to writing prompt
  • improve fundamental skills required for good writing
  • complete 45 essays
  • manage time well during tests
  • obtain higher scores than before

SAT Grammar

For students who:
  • need practice with SAT level grammar
  • want to familiarize themselves with tested grammatical rules
  • want to learn and practice strategies to score higher
We guarantee they can:
  • master grammar rules
  • write an essay which contains no grammar errors
  • apply strategies to score well on SAT writing section