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Newbery List

The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth-century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. This is a complete list of Newbery medal and honor books from 1922 to present.

Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner King of the Wind Marguerite Henry Rand McNally
Honor Books Seabird Holling C. Holling Houghton
Daughter of the Mountains Louise Rankin Viking
My Father's Dragon Ruth S. Gannett Random House
Story of the Negro Arna Bontemps Knopf
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner The Twenty-One Balloons William Pene du Bois Viking
Honor Books Pancakes-Paris Claire Huchet Bishop Viking
Li Lun, Lad of Courage Carolyn Treffinger Abingdon
The Great Wheel Robert Lawson Viking
The Quaint and Curious Quest of Johnny Longfoot Catherine Besterman Bobbs-Merrill
The Cow-Tail Switch, and Other West African Stories Harold Courlander Holt
Misty of Chincoteague Marguerite Henry Rand McNally
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Miss Hickory Carolyn Sherwin Bailey Viking
Honor Books Old Yeller Fred Gipson Harper
Wonderful Year Nancy Barnes Messner
Big Tree Mary & Conrad Buff Viking
The Heavenly Tenants William Maxwell Harper
The Avion My Uncle Flew Cyrus Fisher, pseud. (Darwin L. Teilhet) Appleton
The Hidden Treasure of Glaston Eleanor Jewett Viking
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Strawberry Girl Lois Lenski Lippincott
Honor Books Justin Morgan Had a Horse Marguerite Henry Rand McNally
The Moved-Outers Florence Crannell Means Houghton
Bhimsa, the Dancing Bear Christine Weston Scribner
New Found World Katherine Shippen Viking
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Rabbit Hill Robert Lawson Viking
Honor Books The Hundred Dresses Eleanor Estes Harcourt
The Silver Pencil Alice Dalgliesh Scribner
Abraham Lincoln's World Genevieve Foster Scribner
Lone Journey: The Life of Roger Williams Jeanetter Eaton Harcourt
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Johnny Tremain Esther Forbes Houghton
Honor Books These Happy Golden Years Laura Ingalls Wilder Harper
Fog Magic Julia Sauer Viking
Rufus M Eleanor Estes Harcourt
Mountain Born Elizabeth Yates Coward
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Adam of the Road Elizabeth Janet Gray Viking
Honor Books The Middle Moffat Eleanor Estes Harcourt
Have You Seen Tom Thumb? Mabel Leigh Hunt Lippincott
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner The Matchlock Gun Walter Edmonds Dodd
Honor Books Americans Before Columbus Elizabeth Baity Viking
Little Town on the Prairie Laura Ingalls Wilder Harper
George Washington's World Genevieve Foster Scribner
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison Lois Lenski Lippincott
Down Ryton Water Eva Roe Gaggin Viking
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Call It Courage Armstrong Sperry Macmillan
Honor Books Blue Willow Doris Gates Viking
Young Mac of Fort Vancouver Mary Jane Carr Crowell
The Long Winter Laura Ingalls Wilder Harper
Nansen Anna Gertrude Hall Viking
Book Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Medal Winner Daniel Boone James Daugherty Viking
Honor Books The Singing Tree Kate Seredy Viking
Runner of the Mountain Tops: The Life of Louis Agassiz Mabel Robinson Random House
By the Shores of Silver Lake Laura Ingalls Wilder Harper
Boy with a Pack Stephen W. Meader Harcourt