About RT 3.0

We are pleased to release RT 3.0, the latest educational program set created by ReadingTown R&D team. For a better understanding of RT 3.0, see the comparison chart below which shows how RT 3.0 has significantly improved from the previous version, RT 2.0.

Comparison Charts of ReadingTown Program Sets

Category Item RT 2.0 RT 3.0 Difference Remarks
Program Reading 7 15 8 See 'Programs'
Writing 3 8 5 See 'Programs'
Presentaion 1 6 5 See 'Programs'
Math No Yes
RT Ivy: Intensive program for 6-8 grades No Yes
RT Prep: Test prep courses No Yes
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)Aligned 7 15 8 Applicable to U.S.A. only
Learning Solution E-Scan: Web based adaptive assessment test Reading only Reading, Writing, Math 2
E-Scan Quiz counts 2,500 5,000 2,500
W2: Web based writing program No Yes
Book Quiz counts in E-Learning Gate 1,200 3,600 2,400
Math on E-Learning Gate No Yes
Library Books 484 2,306 1,822
Monitoring Progress Monitor No Yes See 'My RT Room' of your child
Reading Portfolio No Yes
Progress Guarantee 6 Months Up Guarantee (6 MUG) No Yes See '6 Months Up Guarantee'
Placement Optimal Program Tracker (OPT) No Yes See 'Optimal Program Tracker'
Consultation Free Consultation Request via Website No Yes