
Most accurate assessment test

With "Assessment drives instruction" as its motto, ReadingTown's U.S. headquarters has dedicated three years of organization, research, and testing to the development of E-Scan, one of the most accurate assessment tests. Simply put, E-Scan is more precise and reliable than any other assessment in the educational industry. Based upon the theories of Dr. Gottlieb and Dr. Leung, two of the top authorities in assessment, E-Scan is the result of experience and data accumulated over 25 years of education in the U.S. and Canada.

Features of E-Scan

  • A Unique Three-Tier Level Test New to the Educational Industry
    Through a multiple testing process involving three steps (Approximate -> Refine -> In-Depth), a student can obtain level test results that are precise and accurate.
  • Diverse and Realistic Range of Level Test Questions
    The level test goes beyond basic testing of word definitions. It includes questions on antonyms, synonyms, grammar, sentence sense, sentence completion, and reading comprehension, among other areas. Thus, the level test becomes a very reliable tool in evaluating a student's entire set of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Evaluation and Analysis from Phonics to SAT Level
    Our online technology, a first in the educational industry, can assess levels from Phonics to SAT level. It can accurately evaluate the English levels of students currently studying in the U.S. and those of advanced students preparing for admission to Ivy League schools.
  • Comprehensive Report
    After each E-Scan test is completed, it will generate four kinds of report; Assessment Result, In-Depth Analysis, Academic Goals, and Optimal Program.

    1) Assessment Result
    This report provides diagnostic information about each student's overall skills in each subject, based on her performance on E-Scan Subject Test.

    2) In-Depth Analysis
    This report describes an in-depth analysis of each student's performance in various aspects.

    3) Academic Goals
    This report summarizes academic goals specifically set for each student, based on Assessment Report and In-Depth Analysis.

    4) Optimal Program
    This report presents sequence of programs exclusively created for each student to achieve his/her academic goals in six months.

  • Assessing Various Subjects
    Not only in reading, we can also evaluate each student's level in writing and mathematics. E-Scan Assessment test for SAT, SSAT, and fluency are also under development.