E-Learning Station

ReadingTown E-Learning Station is designed and used exclusively for computer-based tests. It is equipped with computers, all connected to our student network and high-speed internet. It provides access to My Room, which is composed of E-Learning Gate, the comprehensive learning management system (LMS); an extensive library of NextBuk; V-Words; W2; and Speed Reading; etc.

At My RT Room, students take tests for ReadingTown library books at E-Learning Gate, access NextBuk, practice important V-Words from books, and take tests for other subjects including Math. W2 program is designed for students who need effective writing skills, guiding them to finish one essay in two sessions. Teacher communicates with each student via comments and evaluations on each essay.

For parents, ELG provides various reports for test result, each session, every marking period, and progress monitor.


In our all-new E-Learning Gate (the online comprehensive learning management system), students can now study from 12 active gates. In addition, dedicated servers have been installed in ReadingTown locations all over the world to greatly enhance the speed and effectiveness of internet-based study.


To encourage and promote serious reading practices through our famous "Reading 1,000 Books Project," we have implemented a new merit system to award students who read earnestly. For example, avid readers will be categorized and consequently receive awards as follows: Star Reader (0~200 books), Mega Reader (201~400 books), Ultra Reader (401~600 books), Super Reader (601~800 books), Master Reader (801~1,000 books), Lord of Reading (more than 1,000 books). Their achievements will be permanently recorded into RT IDOL or the Hall of Fame on ReadingTown website.


Systems for Attendance, registration, library management, learning, student record, and invoice management are all incorporated in our all-new administration program, which saves tremendous time for administrators. Thus, directors and their staffs can devote more time in advising and counseling students and improving the quality of instruction. Not only does each director have the comprehensive data for all of his or her own students, but also the global headquarter in New York can collect and analyze the data of all students in the whole ReadingTown network. Consequently, regional, national, and international data comparison is feasible, and we can formulate solutions or upgrade programs or curricula accordingly.